We make promises to keep but we don’t always keep them.

We try our best to fulfill what we have said, to be true to our promises but life has its own ways and paths which it chooses without our permission or our comfort zone.

We learn that we have to evolve, we learn we have to be comfortable with the change. The change is ever-present, probably that is the only constant thing in life. The irony of it is not lost on me.

But maybe I am the one who is lost without knowing, I feel lost. I am on the path of finding myself with numerous options each tempting me in a way of their own with fear a constant companion.

I have always wanted to go on numerous journeys in life with the unpredictability that bring along maybe it was because life was stable back then and it is not anymore. Every single day I try my best to hold on to anyone thing that seems stable but like I said nothing is.

I realized that I don’t have to go on a journey I already am a part of one. I already am on a journey of becoming who I will become eventually, maybe a failure may be a winner but I will become something. Maybe no one would know who I was or what did I do why did I do it like my mother always tells me that I am no one significant thousands of people do what you do. You are no one special.

Maybe I am not. Definitely, I am not but I am proud to be one of those thousand people who my mother talks about.

As I was talking about promises, sometimes they never come true with life talking us on various paths we often are not able to fulfill what we said or even aimed to do and that hurts. Even if it’s from someone else, it hurts.

You feel disappointed not only in yourself but all those who are around you. Gravity becomes more than a force just sticking you to earth it becomes a force that’s holding you down and taking you deeper and deeper in your miserable state. That’s just how it is.

We are miserable with our promises and stability.

I, for one, need to learn for I cannot control, how I cannot hold onto promises, how I need to learn to move on and let go.

It takes too much energy, yes. But I have to.

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